6th EXYLENT 2012- Day 1

The 6th Exylent Robotics Workshop, 2012 kicked off this morning with an all-time record high number of participants from all over Pakistan. The Chief Guest, Mr. Badar Khushnood (Google Country Consultant, Pakistan) emphasised the need to improve the image of Pakistan through the use of social networking tools that have become so popular today. He encouraged students to put in their best efforts during the workshop as it would surely prove to be one of the best learning experiences of their lives. He applauded the efforts of Dr. Arshad Ali (Principal SEECS) who came up with the idea of implementing the Robotics Workshop for the high school students. Dr. Arshad Ali stressed the importance of self-learning by the kids at an early age and allowing them to explore the world on their own. This would help improve their Creative thinking and sharpen their problem-solving skills. Ms. Samin Khaliq presented the introduction about the workshop and highlighted the importance of ‘Creativity and Innovation’ that is the hallmark of the workshop.

The formal workshop started with a motivational lecture and a video presentation by Dr. Sohail Iqbal highlighting the objectives of the workshop. Students were introduced to major parts of the LEGO kit including the NXT brick, sensors and motors. Students built robotic cars and used basic programming techniques to bring their robots to life.

A presentation was shared by Ms. Samin Khaliq about the general parts of a Robot and different types of Robots. Students were given a detailed presentation on different parts of the LEGO kit. Students made use of beams, axles and various types of connectors in different formations to understand robot construction techniques. The session ended with construction of a “5 minute Robot” in which the students programmed the robot to move in a straight line and spin-in-place.

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